Core Surgery Interview

Several Tips To Follow To Ace Your Core Surgery Interview

For those people who want to pursuer medicine proper, they usually undergo Core Surgery Training to practice surgical performance. However, it’s not easy to enter this training as you will have to go through a core surgery interview. It’s important to pass this for you to move forward and get a proper certification to your preferred speciality. That being said, preparing for it well is extremely vital. The last thing you surely want is to spend many hours of interview preparation without any real direction or purpose.

If your core surgery interview is coming up soon, here’s a list of tips you can use to your advantage.

Make eye contact, but not too intensely

Poor eye contact gives the appearance of dishonesty or low self-esteem. It also may be construed as a lack of interest in what the other person is saying. Again, not the messages you want to send when you are interviewing for acceptance into the medical training. Look right in the eyes of the interviewer when they are speaking and when you are speaking as well. On the other hand, you don’t want to burn a hole in the interviewer with your gaze. Don’t stare; it is acceptable to avert your eyes for a second or two. Blinking is also acceptable.

Scheduling the Interview

Make sure to schedule your CST interview appointment as soon as possible. By not doing so, this may give the appearance that you are not interested. Do not arrange an appointment for a post-call day. Make sure you are as well-rested as possible. If the interview is in a city or town you have never visited, double-check the address and find out about parking or airport transportation. If the practice is offering the interview, it is considerate of them to arrange your transportation if out of town. Confirm your travel arrangements with the practice administrator/recruiter/office manager. Make certain you have left adequate time for travel delays or traffic.

Dress for Success

When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you project yourself well. Regardless of the size or location of the hospital, make sure to dress properly. This is a place of business. You wish to portray confidence and professionalism. If you are a man, wear a suit and tie. If you are a woman, wear a suit or dress. Carry a briefcase containing extra copies of your CV, core surgical interview guide questions, papers needed for the interview, and pens. Dressing professionally during interviews has also impact; as what people said, “The first impression lasts.”


Just like other interviews, you must know the importance of this interview process. You’ve spent years of hard work to put yourself a stone’s throw away from getting the core surgical training job that you want, now is not the time let off the gas. Read everything you can find on the hospital’s website, including what makes it unique, major changes coming to the facilities, and so on. By doing this you will show the interviewer you are interested in the training programme. You are bound to come up with specific core surgical interview guide questions about the program during this process, which interviewers love to hear! Furthermore, read up on recent events relating to health care and health policy. You are not expected to be a health policy expert, but being able to have a conversation about your future profession is important.


Slumping or letting your shoulders sag may feel comfortable, but it sends the following message: “I’m bored, disinterested and unimpressed.” Not the message you want to send. Think military here: Back straight, chin up! But you don’t want to look stiff; it makes you look tense and uncomfortable. While keeping your back straight, lean forward a bit, toward the interviewer. It makes you look interested. Having a great posture is also helps to be focused on when having an interview. It gives impact as well to the CST interview facilitator even if it’s a small detail.

After reading this article, you are now ready to take on your core surgery interview. Keep in mind though that you have to follow each of these to succeed in that aspect, and make sure to trust yourself through the process. This would help you feel more confident and reliable in front of the interviewers. Also, it may be better if you consider acquiring a training course to further prepare you for the big day. Just make sure that you hire the best provider, so you can guarantee reliability and quality that won’t jeopardise your interview.